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Gieselmann Consulting

Office Hamburg
Tornquiststraße 3
20259 Hamburg

Alexandra Gieselmann
USt-ID DE250331474
info ät gieselmann-consulting.de

Phone: +49 40 - 23 93 86 26
Fax: +49 40 - 23 93 86 27

Get connected!


Court of jurisdiction
Exclusive jurisdiction is Hamburg, Germany.

Applicable Law
All contracts and other agreements are exclusively governed by German law.

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Sandra Wiegard

Picture credit

About us

As recruitment consultants, we believe that specialist qualifications, integrity, and human virtues are the ingredients for long-term professional success. People need an inner compass that shows them the way and the courage to do the right thing.

We find solutions


As recruitment consultants, we specialize in recruitment for the automotive supply industry and its downstream dealership networks. Our extensive network is the result of years of contact- and connection-making, and our knowledge of the industry is the basis of our efficient and professional recruitment practices.

Get connected

Career counseling

Your professional development should not be left to chance. Careers are made and we can help you. You are welcome to send us your unsolicited application or call us directly.

Profiles that leave a mark